Composite (Tooth Colored) Fillings

Fillings are among the most common restorative dental procedure and are designed to treat a frequent dental health issue-tooth decay. Also referred to as dental caries, decay is the reason why cavities, or holes, form in teeth. A filling works by literally filling the cavity after your dentist has cleaned away the oral bacteria causing the tooth infection.

In the past, metal amalgam was the standard tooth filling, and today, many people still retain metal fillings that were placed long ago. However, at Shelby Dental, we believe in providing the safest, most reliable, and most biocompatible materials, and choose instead to utilize composite resin and ceramic tooth-colored fillings.

Endodontic Therapy

Root canal therapy (endodontic treatment) may be the only way to save your tooth from extraction and save the rest of your smile from increasing complications. It is necessary when the pulp (nerve) becomes exposed to bacteria (from a cavity or crack) and becomes infected. The pulp keeps the tooth healthy, containing blood vessels and nerves. Bacteria reaching the pulp can cause an infection and eventually, an abscess.

During root canal therapy, infection and inflammation are removed from the pulp canals of your tooth. We will then fill the canals with a biocompatible man-made material to seal the canals and prevent from future infection. Despite rumors to the contrary, a root canal is a comfortable and very safe procedure thanks to modern techniques and anesthesia.


In some cases, extraction is the best treatment option for your tooth. Tooth extraction can alleviate pain, eliminate potential sources of infection, and make room for dental restorations or orthodontic alignment. Dr. Blaylock makes it her goal to keep her patients as comfortable as possible during all extractions using various methods of anesthesia. As some medical conditions need premedication, it is very important that you inform us of your prior surgeries and current medication regimen prior to your extraction. After your appointment, follow the post operative instructions below and please call our office with any questions or concerns.